Zimparks guns down 2 rogue jumbos in Beitbridge

The Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority has killed two elephants that were causing problems to people in Beitbrdge.

“When human and wildlife conflict arises and the lives of humans are at risk, we are duty bound to act and hence we shot and killed the two elephants. They had become problem animals in the town, especially around the Beitbridge council farm,” Zimparks spokesperson, Mr Tinashe Farawo said.

Farawo urged people facing wildlife conflict to report problem animals as soon as possible to the authorities so that they are professionally handled.

A guide with Zimparks ranger who declined to be named as they are not authorised to speak with the media told Zim Now that human-wildlife conflict incidences go up in times of drought.

“Animals leave the wild to find food among humans and as a result the lives on both sides are endangered,” the ranger said.

The ranger advised humans in high risk areas to avoid moving around towards sunset and during the night as wild animals normally move around then.

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