Rutendo Mazhindu
Zim Now Reporter
Some Ushewokunze residents started their day with a gruesome experience when they discovered the head of a dead baby poking out of plastic bag a dump site in the area.
Witnesses said the baby was in a black plastic bag ironically dumped near some used diapers.
One resident said the sight was shocking and traumatic.
Another resident saidtcases of baby dumping are increasing in their area.
‘’We still don’t know the reason why so many women are dumping their kids here,” she said.
The resident said desperate women should not kill their babies because there are people failing to conceive who might want those babies.
While Zimbabwe has a social welfare system that takes in abandoned kids, it is seriously underfunded with most public and private homes struggling to make ends meet.
Zimbabwe also has legal adoption mechanisms which places such kids with responsible guardians but cultural taboos limit many people from adopting kids.
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