Friends Take Each Other To Court Over Car A Deal


Michael Mashiri

A 43-year-old man, Takavarasha Mandemwa who sold his friend’s car has been taken to court and charged with theft of trust of property.

Sometime in 2022, the complainant and Mandemwa met at Body Active Gym, Borrowdale Race Course, Harare, where Mandemwa told the complainant that he could acquire a cheap car from South Africa that he could buy for resale in Zimbabwe.

The complainant trusted Mandemwa since they were friends for a long time and also since he is in the business of buying and selling cars.

In the same period, the complainant went to CABS Bank, Borrowdale Branch, Harare where she withdrew US$20 000 which she gave Mandemwa for him to buy the car on her behalf.

The court was informed that Mandemwa imported the car, a Toyota Hilux and presented it to the complainant.

The complainant then gave Mandemwa all her personal details so that he could register the car in Zimbabwe on her behalf.

He then registered the car in Zimbabwe and it was allocated registration number and he sent copies of proof of registration to the complainant.

The complainant then insured the car with Old Mutual Insurance and then requested Mandemwa to bring the car.

The court was informed that Mandemwa failed to avail the car and became evasive giving unsatisfactory excuses.

The complainant communicated with Mandemwa through text messages asking him to return her money since he had failed to deliver the car but he became evasive, avoided the complainant's phone calls and blocked her phone number which prompted the complainant to make a report to the police.

On July 16, the stolen car was recovered by the police in Mutoko after Mandemwa had sold it to one, Mudyiwa Mashonganyika.

As a result, the value that was stolen is US$20 000 and all was recovered.

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