Latvian Drug Trafficker Jailed for 15 Years

 Rutendo Mazhindu 

Zim Now Reporter

A 27-year-old Latvian national, Vitalis Kudrjasovs, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after being convicted of attempting to smuggle 8.35kg of heroin through Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport.

Kudrjasovs was arrested on September 22, 2022, after aviation security personnel flagged his luggage during a routine scan.

 Upon further inspection, authorities discovered four packages of heroin concealed in hidden compartments of his bags.

 He was en route to India aboard an Ethiopian Airlines flight.

In addition to the 15-year sentence, Kudrjasovs was fined US$5,000. Failure to pay the fine will result in an additional five-year jail term.




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