Zim Now Reporter
Douglas Karoro, the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture, who is accused of mismanaging agricultural inputs worth US$43 000, has claimed that his trial is a result of being framed by his political rivals.
Karoro allegedly received 5 000 vegetable combo kits from Valley Seed Private Limited which were to be handed over to GMB Mushumbi under the Presidential Input Programme but did not distribute them.
Karoro denies the allegations saying he is a victim of name dropping by actual thieves of the inputs.
He said his political rivals were determined to have him lose his parliamentary seat in Mbire by raising false allegations.
The trial continued on Thursday with a State witness Tichaona Maponga telling regional magistrate Taurai Manuwere that he cannot say it was Karoro who collected the combo seeds because he was not there.
He said the seeds were dispatched by a temporary worker unknown to him because they hire new people every season.
Maponga said he has no evidence to show that the deputy minister phoned him regarding the seeds.
Karoro’s lawyer Admire Rubaya has challenged all documents being attributed to him saying they could have been doctored.
This came after the State produced a delivery note inscribed D.Karoro which they said referred to the deputy minister.
His lawyer said it could have been another person being referred to adding that there are many people with such initials.
The State witness, Tichaona Maponga who is in charge at the depot told the court that he cannot corroborate the allegation that Karoro collected the seeds at the depot because he was not on the ground.
He said it was not conclusive to say it was him being referred to as D.Karoro after the lawyer suggested it could have been a "Dhuvai or a Doto Karoro."
Maponga also denied being the author of a delivery note that was produced in court stating that they hired seasonal employees who could have signed the seeds out.
The matter will continue on April 4, 2025.
It is alleged Karoro received 5 000 vegetable combo kits from Valley Seed Private Limited which were to be handed over to GMB Mushumbi under the Presidential Input Programme but converted the seed to their own use.
It is alleged that acting in connivance with one Ngowe, they ordered the GMB Mushumbi inputs clerk, Honesty Nyathi and security guard, Manyara Manuwere to fraudulently book the consignment in the goods received voucher, goods dispatch voucher, gate book and stack register to appear as if the consignment had been received and despatched to Karoro, prejudicing GMB of US$25 000.
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