MCAZ to take action against illegal advertising of medicines


Audrey Galawu

The Medicines Council Authority of Zimbabwe has said the Authority will take legal action against any person or company involved in illegal advertising of medicines.

This move comes after the Authority noted the increased advertising of medicines, especially on social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter.

According to MCAZ, the advertising is against the available statutes in Section 65(1)(b) which state that no person shall advertise any medicine without the approval of the Authority in writing.

“An advertisement of medicine is governed by section 65(1)(b) and 65(3) of the Medicines and Allied Substances Control (General) Regulations, 1991, (SI 150 of 1991).

“Section 65(1)(b) states that “No person shall advertise any medicine to members of the public in terms calculated to lead to its use for the treatment of human beings for any of the conditions set out in the Seventh Schedule.

“Any person who contravenes the provisions of these regulations, other than a provision for the contravention of which a penalty is provided by subsection (3) of section 38 or subsection (2a) of section 39 of the Act, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment,” MCAZ said.

The authority said they are working with the Zimbabwe Republic Police and will take necessary measures, including prosecution should anyone contravene these provisions.

MZAC has urged members of the public to desist from advertising medicines without written approval from the authority.

The medicines control body is mandated with protecting public and animal health through enforcing adherence to standards by manufacturers and distributors and as such, perform its statutory mandate against the perpetrators of these criminal acts.


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