Partners wanted to develop small airports



ACZ CEO Tawanda Gusha

Zim Now Writer

The Airports Company of Zimbabwe is looking to partner players who can work with the state owned enterprise to develop small airports around the country.

ACZ chief executive officer Tawanda Gusha told a local publication that said the company will carry out feasibility studies to check on the amount needed to develop small airports:

“If we manage to find partners to develop Charles Prince Airport, that will probably be another 200 000 capacity added to the nine million,” he said.

“We are not only targeting Charles Prince but we want partners for all the small airports. We are going to carry out feasibility studies this quarter to find out how much in terms investment package is needed to develop these small airports.”

This comes as fastjet has recently announced that it will be adding domestic routes to small airports in tourism zones.

Launching in March, the flights will make some currently remote local destinations more accessible as travellers will no longer be limited to the choice between cumbersome road trips or very expensive charter flights.

ACZ is also looking at having government authorise a free trade zone around the airport to attract investors.

Improved airport facilities of all sizes are crucial to ensure that Zimbabwe maximises opportunities that are opening up through intra-continental trade as the African Continental Free Trade Area is rolled out.


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