Zim Now Writer
Barely two months into the post, Turnall Holdings MD Zvidzayi Bikwa, has left the tile manufacturing company while John Mkushi reverts to his old role as acting managing director.
“Although Mr Bikwa’s contract was running up to April 30, 2023, the company gave him a leave of absence whilst serving his notice…. The Board is currently looking to fill this position as soon as possible," Turnall Holdings said in a statement that also said that Bikwa left to pursue personal interests.
Bikwa replaced Mkushi as managing director in December 2022. Mkushi then assumed the board chairmanship, which he has now relinquished.
"Mr John Mkushi has stepped down as Chairman of the Board of Directors with immediate effect to take up the position of acting managing director, a position he will hold for a maximum period of six months, during which time a substantive managing director will be appointed."
Turnall indicated in December 2022 that its material position could be affected by a court order to pay former MD Caleb Musodza his terminal dispute. The case had run since Musodza was retrenched in 2016.
It is not clear where Mkushi will fit in after his acting MD stint as Grenville Hampshire is now the new board chairperson.
The statement lauded Grenville for his wide range of experience in running diverse materials and chemicals-based manufacturing operations based in the United Kingdom, North America, Central America and Southern Africa.
It also spoke of his extensive knowledge of the fibre cement industry gained through a career which extended for more than 30 years.
Grenville was a member of the UK Institute of Mechanical Engineers, a Chartered Engineer and is a holder of a Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering) degree.
Turnall indicated in 2022 that it was resuming IRB roofing sheet production and that refurbishment of the Harare fibre cement plant currently underway should be complete by Q2 2023 when production is expected to resume.
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