Zim Now Writer
City of Harare is facing a steep bill after the Local Government Board directed that suspended finance director Tendai Kwenda be reinstated with full benefits.
In June 2021 Kwenda claimed US$2,1 million in salary and benefits accumulated over the six years of his suspension then.
He was basing his claim on labour court judgments LC/H/APP/178/20 and LC/H/44/2021 dated May 7, 2021.
“My request is for part urgent settlement in cash and negotiable settlement in assets,” Kwenda’s claim stated.
“Reinstatement with full benefits means that they give him back his position with everything that is due to that position. As this was a case of suspension, it may mean that COH is faced with a backdated remuneration for the seven years,” said a lawyer who declined to be named.
Kwenda’s benefits stated in his 2021 claim include basic salary and allowances such as housing, retention, entertainment, holiday for local and regional trips, school fees and performance bonuses.
Another lawyer said in case where both parties agree that a feasible working relationship is no longer viable, there would be negotiation on an exit package, which again would mean a huge bill for the municipal authority.
COH currently has no substantive finance director. Godfrey Kusangaya is acting incumbent.
A letter dated September 16, 2022 from Local Government Board chairperson Steven Chakaipa said the Local Government Board met on 10 September and through resolution LGB012/2022concluded that Kwenda had operated within current policy framework, thus the employer had no legitimate grounds for dismissal.
Kwenda was suspended in 2017 on allegations of financial abuse following a report by a tribunal set up in February to investigate council’s employment costs compliance.
Kwenda was arrested in 2021 on corruption charges over allegations of transferring US$70 000 meant for the provision of water, sanitation, education and recreational services, into his personal bank account.
Kwenda is alleged to have then purchased a Jeep Cherokee without the minister’s approval or a council resolution.
The state presented that the money was from the council’s Traditional Beer Levy account and was meant for community welfare as approved by the Minister of Local Government and Public Works.
Chakaipa’s letter said that the board turned down the discharge application on the grounds that Kwenda applied the vehicle policy that was in operation at City of Harare.
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