Galileo discovers substantial gold targets from Bulawayo samples

Zim Now Writer

Galileo Resources has said it discovered a number of substantial gold targets from soil analysis around the Queen's Mine Bulawayo.

Laboratory analysis of 2 455 samples marginal to the Queen's gold mine, which is not part of the Galileo licence area, showed gold in-soils up 2.1 grammes per tonne (g/t) Au (2 100ppb).

“The recent completion of a gold-in-soil geochemical survey in the prolific Queen's area has been highly successful in that it has clearly defined a number of targets where we have gold associated with underlying structures that extend from known mineralisation that has sustained both commercial and artisanal mining,” Galileo CEO, Colin Bird said. 


Brid said Galileo also identified a new gold-in-soil anomaly covering more than five square kilometres peaking at 680ppb gold over a number of structures defined by airborne geophysics southeast of the Queen's mine, with further anomalies along strike to the southwest.

 “Our intention now is to prioritise anomalies with a view to commencement of drill-testing by the end of the third quarter 2023.”

Up to 1984, the mine reported production of more than 440 000 ounces.


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