I need to look presentable - prophet justifies US$150 charges for one-on-ones

Prophecy: A Reason for Hope - Reston Bible Church


A Bulawayo-based prophet, Mduduzi Dube, who is popularly known as “Black Elisha” is reportedly demanding between US$100 and US$150 for a one-on-one session or consultation fee for an audience with him.

Dube, who is the founder of Christ Life Generation Church defended charging consultation fees, a practice considered by some Christians to be contrary to the teachings of the Bible.

Dube said the money is needed to make the prophet presentable and also to help develop the church and fund the preaching of the Gospel. He said:

“Some people can only cope with being broke, they can’t manage with being blessed.

“This is because if I bless you, after those consultations or one on one sessions, your life will change immediately.

Life is a battleground and if you don’t create a strong atmosphere of prayers through one on one sessions with a man of God, you can’t access certain blessings because the kingdom of darkness is also interested in making those blessings not to get to you.”

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