Lincoln Mutasa’s Normalisation Committee want Brito for Warroirs coach

Zim Now Writer

The Zimbabwe Football Association Normalisation Committee has written to Highlanders Football Club seeking the release of their coach, Blatemer Brito, to take over the Warriors gaffer job on an interim basis.

Lincoln Mutasa, the committee chair in a letter dated September 19, wrote to Bosso chairman Johnfat Sibanda saying:

“The Normalisation Committee would like to request your executive permission to engage one of your employees in the name of Brito Baltemer Jose Oliveira for a possible appointment as the interim senior national team coach. Whereas he has indicated he is in permanent employ of your esteemed organisation. It is in that light of integrity we hereby pray you shall find it beneficial to release him for envisaged national duty during this interim Normalisation period.”

Contacted for a comment Highlanders chief executive officer Ronald Moyo acknowledged the receipt of the letter from Zifa.

“I can confirm that we received correspondence from Zifa who are requesting for permission to engage our coach Brito as interim Warriors coach,” said Moyo.

The committee has come close to appointing Warriors and Mighty Warriors mentors amid revelations that interviews to fill in the vacant posts started yesterday.

For the senior men’s team, the committee is reportedly looking at five people while for the women’s team they are considering three candidates.

After advertising the posts, Zifa received a plethora of applications to take charge at junior national teams for men and women as well as senior national teams’ jobs.

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