Uphold High Standards of Legality: Mudenda Urges MPs

Ignore Charamba and Mangwana claims over ZEC Delimitation report says  Mudenda to MPs
Jacob Mudenda


National Assembly speaker Jacob Mudenda has encouraged Members of Parliament to uphold the highest standards of legality and justice in executing Parliamentary responsibilities.

 Speaking during an induction seminar of the 10th Parliament in Harare this week, Mudenda urged MPs to be committed to their work and fulfil their duties reminding the house that to serve as a member of parliament is a rare privilege.

 “I cannot, therefore, overemphasize how crucial it is for us to constantly remember that we are here because of the trust bestowed on us by the Zimbabwean electorate. Thus, the electorate entrusted us to be bearers of a torch that casts its radiant light upon the aspirations, hopes and dreams of the Zimbabwean people in their search for consummated prosperity.

 “This seminar should, therefore, sharpen your abilities and energise you in fulfilling your legislative oversight and representation roles as the undoubted servant leaders of the people of Zimbabwe whose voice is your mantle to translate into positive development action,” he said.

 Mudenda reminded the members that to be Honourable meant being driven by a profound sense of duty towards the nation and its people and to “acquaint yourselves with the various legislative frameworks that fall under our purview through our Standing Committees, the engine of our Parliamentary processes.

 “Transparency, accountability and ethical conduct must attend to you unflinchingly. It is to be the custodian of the rule of law and constitutionalism.

 “To be Honourable is to exhibit a genuine love for country – patriotism, a passion that transcends personal gain, self-interest and is rooted in a deep commitment to the common good of our Motherland, Zimbabwe.”

 He also called upon the MPs to be mindful that the measure of their success will not be found solely in the laws they pass or the policies they shape but in the country’s prosperity.

 “Our commitment to their welfare and the preservation of our democratic ideals will be the true testimony of our honourable service.  We must, therefore, rise to this historic call to duty, united in purpose and dedicated to a Zimbabwe that shines brighter with each passing day.

 “This August House should ensure that law is an instrument for development. We must deliver and lift more of our people out of poverty and into prosperity.”

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