Entry level menial workers will now earn a minimum of US$150 after Cabinet approved recommendations by the Tripartite Negotiating Forum yesterday.
This was announced by Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said after yesterday’s Cabinet meeting.
She said Cabinet had approved the TNF recommendations presented by Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Paul Mavima.
The minimum wage is payable in local currency at the prevailing official rate or in foreign currency.
TNF brings together employers, Government and trade unions come together to discuss salaries, wages and other working conditions in the national interest.
“Social contract should be the tool for moderating increases in prices of goods and services as well as restraining increases in salaries and wages to counter inflationary measures,” said Minister Mutsvangwa.
She said that Cabinet noted the updates on the labour law reform, operationalisation of the TNF and the report of the TNF Technical Committee.
TNF also wanted ratification of the 2019 convention on violence and harassment at the workplace, to combat these ills in the work world, and the promotional framework for occupational safety and health convention, to upgrade these aspects.
The Forum also wants Government to consider tax cuts on wages and salaries to increase disposable incomes, and include fair distribution of incomes as policy and planning imperative.
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