Festive season crime awareness: Stay safe from these tactics

Philemon Jambaya

During the festive season, unfortunately, crime rates can increase. Here are some common tactics used by criminals, so you can stay vigilant and protect yourself:

1. Chadonha (Fake Money Scam):

Criminals pretend you both found money on the street.

They ask you to count the money while holding your belongings.

The “money” is either fake or mixed with worthless bills.

Don’t engage! Keep walking and don’t let anyone hold your belongings.

2. Kuwana Basa (Fake Job Offer):

Criminals offer a high-paying job (e.g., US$100/hour) but require you to leave your belongings with them first.

They tell you to wait in a shop, then disappear with your belongings.

Be cautious of “too good to be true” offers. Never leave valuables with strangers.

3. Kumhoreswa (Friendly Greeting Theft):

Criminals pretend to know you and greet you warmly with a hug.

During the hug, they steal your wallet or phone.

Maintain a safe distance. Be wary of unexpected physical contact from strangers.

4. Kudhumwa (Copa Cabana Pick-pocketing):

Criminals create a crowded, chaotic situation at public places like Copa Cabana.

While you’re distracted, one thief bumps into you and apologises, while another picks your pockets.

Stay alert in crowded areas. Be conscious of your surroundings and hold your belongings close.

5. Feja Feja

An old gambling trick that people fall for. Those who win in the game are accomplices meant to lure you into the game. Some have lost cash and even valuables that they end up pawning after running out of cash. Usually, conmen of this nature prefer high-traffic pathways such as the oe adjacent the Hifa venue in the Harare Gardens that leads into Herbert Chitepo Avenue. The pathway is popular with pedestrians walking to Parirenyatwa Hospital. 


You will not fall victim unledss you are greedy. This desire o get rich quickly, taking short cuts is what leads people into being conned. You will never win but you will surely be tricked. 

Trust your gut. If something feels suspicious, it probably is.

Keep valuables secured. Don’t carry unnecessary items, and keep wallets and phones in secure pockets.

Don’t engage with strangers. Avoid interacting with anyone who approaches you with unsolicited offers or requests.

Report suspicious activity. If you witness something suspicious, inform security or authorities immediately.

By staying informed and vigilant, you can enjoy a safe and happy festive season!

 Additional Tips:

 Avoid late-night outings in isolated areas.

Walk with a friend or group if possible.

Use well-lit, populated routes.

Park in well-lit areas and don’t leave valuables inside your car.

Share your plans with someone and check in with them regularly.

Remember, prevention is key! Stay safe and enjoy the festivities!


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