
Suspended Chitungwiza Municipality boss in court for abuse of office

Zim Now Writer

Suspended director of Housing and Community Services for Chitungwiza Municipality has been taken to court accused of abuse of office.

Hazel Sithole, 46, of Ruwa, appeared at the Harare Magistrates’ Courts charged with Criminal Abuse of Duty as a Public Officer.

She will appear in court on July 18 and was ordered to deposit US$300 as bail.

The complainant in this matter is the State represented by Japson Nemuseso in his capacity as the Acting Town Clerk for Chitungwiza Municipality.

The State alleges that on July 19, 2018, Chitungwiza Municipality held its 449th ordinary meeting and resolved among other things that an application by Chesane Jaidi for a piece of land at corner Tilco and Chitungwiza Road to construct a service station be considered by Council after going through the required process in accordance with Chitungwiza Council Housing Policy.

It is alleged that the then acting Chamber Secretary, Mary Mukonyora extracted the resolutions and came up with the implementation of resolution schedule addressed to the Town Clerk and all heads of department, including Sithole, instructing them to implement the resolutions of the 449th Ordinary Council meeting.

The court heard that on August 23, 2028, the acting Director of Works proffered a memorandum to Sithole after they had done an assessment of stand number 20727 Zengeza 4, recommending that the stand be allocated in line with the housing policy.

It is alleged that after that, Sithole made a false representation on an offer leter addressed to Jaidi that Chitungwiza Municipality at its four hundred and forty ninth ordinary meeting held on the July of 19, resolved that Jaidi be allocated a service station to be done in compliance with the laid-down housing policy procedures.

The court was informed that Sithole failed to adhere to Clause 13 of Chitungwiza Council housing policy which stipulates that in allocating commercial stands, Sithole must, seek competitive bidding and a minimum offer determined by the Council, submission of adjudication outcome to finance committee for information and awarding following existing procurement procedures and Council resolution.

It is alleged that based on the misrepresentation of Sithole on the offer letter that the allocation of the commercial stand was a result of a Council resolution.

Jaidi went to pay the initial payments, including land sales and signing of the lease agreement.

This was contrary to the resolution of Council, which had emphasised that Sithole was supposed to follow the due process before allocation took place.

By her actions, Sithole acted contrary and inconsistent with her duties with the intention of extending favour to Jaidi.

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