Dark and Lovely recalls shampoo over bacteria infection


TM Pick n Pay Zimbabwe

Oscar J Jeke

Zim Now Reporter

Dark and Lovely neutralising shampoo has been flagged by the Consumer Protection Commission following receipt of notice from COMESA Competition Commission, highlighting that the hair relaxing kits shampoo contains bacteria that may cause sculp infections to people with weak immune systems.

The South African made product has been flagged for return and refund to holders after the manufacturer, L’Oreal found signs of bacteria that may be dangerous for use.

The Commission has urged the public in possession of the 50ml single use neutralising shampoo contained in the Dark and Lovely moisture kit and Dark and Dark and Lovely anti breakage kit to be returned for refund at the  purchase point in accordance with the country’s laws.

In a statement, Consumer Protection Commission relayed the notice as it read from the notice by the National Consumer Commission of South Africa, warning the public to desist from using the product as it may lead to health complications.

“The Consumer Protection Commission is in receipt of a notice from the COMESA Competition Commission on the recall of 50ml single use neutralizing shampoo contained in the Dark and Lovely moisture plus kit (Regular and Super) and Dark and Lovely anti breakage kit for containing bacteria that may lead to sculp infections in those with compromised immune systems by the National Consumer Commission (NCC) of South Africa.

“The Commission is therefore urging members of the public in possession of the 50 ml single use neutralizing shampoo contained in Dark and Lovely moisture plus kits (Regular and Super) and Dark and Lovely anti breakage kit to immediately discontinue use of product and return it to the point of sale for a full refund. The product has been recalled by the manufacturer, L'Oreal.

This recall is being made in line with Section 15 (I) (e) read with sub section 2 (b) of the Consumer Protection Act which requires the Commission to, "recall the goods for repair, replacement or refund if the goods are unsafe" and "carry out a recall programme on any terms required by the Commission.”

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