Audrey Galawu
Assistant Editor
Zimplow Holdings Limited chairman, Godfrey Tsikayi Manhambara has retired as the director of the company with effect from July 31, 2024, in favour of Benjamin Nkosentya Kumalo.
In a statement, Zimplow stated that Manhambara served the company with distinction and showed impeccable leadership as he steered the group towards its expansion path.
“From the time he joined the board in January 2013, he has contributed immensely to the achievement of the of the group’s strategic intent.
“The board sincerely expresses its gratitude to him for his service especially over the past eleven years as board chairman, during which the group has embarked on a number of corporate actions.
“Under his able stewardship, the group achieved notable milestones such as the acquisition of Scanlink, Trentyre and Birmingham Properties thus transforming the group into a OneStop shop and an integrated engineering services provider for customers within the agriculture, mining, infrastructure and logistics business sectors,” reads the notice.
The incoming board chairman, Kumalo is a chartered accountant by profession with over forty years’ experience in financial reporting and management. He is a former general manager and executive director of the Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe Limited.
Kumalo is also a former board chairman of FBC Building Society, ZimRe Holdings Limited, Chemplex Corporation Limited and Willowvale Motor Industries.
He has extensive experience in the manufacturing, tourism and automative industries. He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy degree attained from the University of Zimbabwe.
Meanwhile, the company has also appointed Hamish Bryan Wilburn Rudland as a non-executive director with effect from July 31, 2024.
Rudland is a holder of a Bachelor of Business Studies (Information Systems, Management and Tourism) from Massey University, New Zealand. He established Pioneer Corporation Africa, a passenger transport company that is presently listed as Unifreight Africa Limited Africa on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.
He possesses over 25 years business experience amassed across various business sectors interalia, transport, logistics, agriculture, agro processing, distribution and property.
He serves as a non-executive director on the boards of ZimRe Property Investments Limited, TSL Limited, R Davis & Company (Pvt) Limited and Pioneer Development Company.
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