Zimuto High F1 pupil demands cremation in suicide note

Oscar J Jeke

Zim Now Reporter

A form one girl at Zimuto High school on Monday committed suicide, with her suicide note revealing her emotional crackdown caused by treatment from family and school teachers.

The incident was confirmed by the young pupil’s father who was still in shock of his daughter’s passing, while revealing how he had made all preparations for her return to school.

He stated, “It’s true my daughter is no more. I found her dead after knocking off from work. She was with her siblings the whole day at home here in Vic Range and we had finished preparations for her departure to Zimuto since she is a border for the third term as her trunk was already in town only to be greeted with a lifeless body, I am in shock…..”

The young girl left a controversial suicidal note addressed to her father, mother, friends and teacher, citing her reason for committing suicide.

In her letter she relayed emotions of being exhausted from being blamed and causing problems both at home and school.

“Dear mama, I am sorry for everything you have to go through because of me. I am sorry for disappointing you.

“To my father, I forgive you, I had so much hate for you but I forgive you. I wish you had taught me to be a good daughter. I would not be a disappointment now,” she wrote.

She also requested for her body to be cremated and not buried at the end of her suicidal note, a development that has sent shockwaves to her family members.

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