My Wife Sleeps With A Knife Under The Pillow, Husband Tells Court


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Michael Mashiri

A Harare man has told the Harare Civil Court that whenever he has an argument with his wife, she sleeps with a knife under the pillow.

Chiyambira Mawarira is suing the wife, Memory Chinakanaka, of promiscuity and violent behavior towards him and their children.

"Whenever she is angry she starts playing with a knife in a weird way.

"She brings boyfriends in front of the children and enters through the window to an extent that even the children are complaining about this behavior," he said.

He said her beautiful, innocent-looking  face was a deception to people who wuld hear what she did inside the home.

"I gave her money to pay for the children's school fees and she never paid anything," he told the court, adding that in connivance with her brothers, she would sell his work tools.

In her defence, Chinakanaka argued it was, instead, her husband who was involved in having many love affairs.

"We have been married for 14 years and my husband oftentimes leaves home for girlfriends where he stays for days without coming back. At one time he was away for one and a half years and he took everything when he left. Since his return, he has always been violent," she said.

Magistrate Tamara Chibindi issued a peace order in favor of Mawarira. Chinakanaka was instructed not to insult, harass or sell the applicant's work machinery.

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