Zim Records Improved TB Case Detection

Patricia Mashiri- Zim Now Reporter 

Zimbabwe has made substantial progress in the fight against Tuberculosis, with improved case detection rates positioning the country closer to eliminating TB as a public health threat.

This year’s World TB Day commemorations, held at Mahusekwa District Hospital in Mashonaland East, ran under the theme “Yes! We Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver.”

Speaking during the event, Dr Owen Mugurungi, Director of the AIDS and TB Unit in the Ministry of Health and Child Care, applauded the National TB Programme’s efforts in expanding diagnosis, treatment, and care services.

“I am proud to announce that Zimbabwe has made significant strides in the fight against TB. Our case detection rates have improved, and we have achieved high treatment success rates,” said Dr Mugurungi.

He highlighted several key interventions driving this progress, including the widespread availability of rapid molecular testing equipment recommended by the World Health Organization, coupled with adequate laboratory supplies.

The TB programme has also strengthened the national surveillance system through active case-finding, targeted TB screening, hybrid TB contact investigations, and the use of stool samples for childhood TB detection. 

Additionally, they have intensified monitoring and evaluation processes, with improved data capturing and timely reporting into the DHIS2 system.

In 2024, Zimbabwe notified 20,189 TB cases, up from 19,545 cases in 2023.

Dr Mugurungi emphasized the importance of a multi-sectoral approach in tackling TB, acknowledging the contributions of organizations like the National AIDS Council.

Speaking at the same event, Dr Wilfred Dube, NAC Manager for Mashonaland East, noted the strong link between HIV and TB, highlighting NAC’s efforts to integrate TB testing into HIV services.

“We have observed that people living with HIV are more susceptible to TB. Therefore, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Child Care, we ensure that anyone testing positive for HIV is also screened for TB to enable early treatment,” Dr Dube said.

He added that the NAC has supported the procurement of TB medicines, skin tests, laboratory equipment, and maintenance of diagnostic machines.


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