Hwende dumps 'Mugwazo' citing Twitter diss

 Philemon Jambaya

Citizens Coalition for Change Secretary-General Chalton Hwende is set to dump his rural mobilisation campaign dubbed “Mugwazo” because of Twitter criticism.

“Yesterday, I addressed a ward meeting of @CCCZimbabwe volunteers in Mhondoro. We prefer smaller meetings to counter victimisation. This is probably my last meeting. I have noticed the negative comments from our CCC citizens on Twitter whenever I go to mugwazo in Mhondoro. I have also considered the stress and anguish that most of the comments cause to my teenage kids.

Hwende said that he was irked by negative comments on social media.

“The reason I agreed to help in Mhondoro was to assist in growing the rural vote. I did 38-weekend meetings this year, funding myself and abandoning my work at my logistics company,”  Hwende tweeted.

Social media users can be brutal with Twitter possibly the platform with the angriest users the world over. A number of Zimbabwean citizens across the board have faced the trauma of unfiltered social media attacks over the years.

Former SuperSport Football Club midfielder Kuda Mahachi was recently aquitted of two counts related to child abuse after a social media campaign vilified him as a monster father.

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