Tumelo Foundation to Empower Young Women in Highfield West

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Zim Now Writer

Young women in Highfield West are set to benefit from empowerment projects being spear-headed by Tumelo foundation.

The foundation announced that young women are going to benefit from free life skills which include driving lessons, baking , sewing , agriculture  , nurse aid  and detergent making.

The foundation Secretary General, Percy Willow, said they have been organizing programs benefiting men while neglecting women.

“All along our programs were targeting men, disadavantaging young women. We want everyone to be empowered and this will benefit our community,” Said Willow

Foundation Deputy Director Norman Muzamindo added the foundation wants to give women a rod  and teach them to source for fish as opposed to giving them fish.

“We want to train them to be skilled, leaving them self-sufficient. We have engaged various line ministries and specialists in various life skills programs.” Muzamindo added.


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