Audrey Galawu
Tinevimbo Musingadi, a student at Mabvuku High school, is excited to be representing the country at the world’s most prestigious pre-college science competition for young scientists and engineers.
The International Science and Engineering Fair, ISEF, will be held from May 14-19 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Centre, Dallas, Texas.
Musingadi said he was motivated to become part of STEM after his grandparents, who stay in Masvingo, were among those affected by Cyclone Idai in 2019 due to lack of proper warning.
“I am super excited to announce that I will be representing Zimbabwe at the ‘Olympics of science’ or formally known as the International Science and Engineering Fair ISEF.
“In 2019, my grandparent in the rural area of Masvingo were part of the people affected by Cyclone Idai, most people in the affected communities had no proper warning before disaster struck, so I challenged myself to solve this problem using STEM.
“Last month, i participated in the Zimbabwe Science Fair, which is Zimbabwe’s most prestigious science competition where primary and high students from all around Zimbabwe showcase their science and engineering projects.
“My project was awarded a bronze medal as well as recognition from National Geographic as the best geography project.
“Dreams do come true. It has been my dream to make it to ISEF and finally during my last year of high school I finally got the opportunity.
“I am just an ordinary boy who grew up in Mabvuku, raised by my grandparents and a single mother. I stay in a town where drug abuse is the norm, and never could have imagined to one day represent my country at such a prestigious event.
“I appreciate my mentor, Dr Steven H for the support and for his guidance, as well as Mr Knowledge Chikundi the founder of the Zimbabwe Science Fair for creating an opportunity for us young scientists to showcase our research and opening doors for us to participate in Internationally recognised fairs. I also acknowledge the contribution made by my mentors Data Science Zimbabwe, teachers and my mother for supporting me throughout the journey,” Musingadi said.
In 2021, Musingadi was a finalist for the Africa Science Buskers Festival and in 2022 he won a gold medal at the same event and also won the Broadcom Global Innovator Award.
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