Chiefs players and technical staff take club to court over unpaid dues

SOCCER: Chibuku Cup – Bottoms up, toast the final! | The Sunday Mail


Bulawayo Chiefs players and coaches have taken the Zimbabwe premiership football side to court for failure to share US$70,000 in prize money earned when the club clinched the 2022 Chibuku Super Cup.

In court papers written by their lawyers, Sengweni Legal Practice, the players requested the club to pay their share of the competition’s earnings.

“On the 11th of October 2022, the plaintiffs and the defendants entered into an agreement in terms of which the parties agreed to participate in the Chibuku Football Cup,” reads the papers.

“It was agreed that the parties would share earnings from the competition at the rate of 70 percent for the plaintiffs and 30 percent for the defendant.

“The defendant was paid US$70,000.00 for the competition and was obliged to pay the plaintiff US$49,000.00, as the parties had agreed.”

The lawyers said the players’ numerous efforts to get their earnings from the club fell on deaf ears.

“Despite demand, the Defendant has refused and/or neglected to pay the Plaintiffs the US$49,000.00 and as such, it has caused the Plaintiff to incur unnecessary legal expenses in trying to recover the amount.

“It can only be fair and just if the Defendant is ordered to pay costs on an attorney and client scale.”

Named as the plaintiffs in the papers are David Bizabani, Takabva Mawaya, Matripples Muleya, Elvis Moyo, Ben Nyahunzwi, Kelvin Madzongwe, Wilson Mensah, Hughe Chikosa, Sipho Ndlovu, Lucky Ndlela, Anesu Jaravaza, Arthur Musiyiwa and Obriel Chirinda.

Also among the plaintiffs are Malvin Mkolo, Thomas Mudzengerere, Mthokozisi Msebe, Kevin Moyo, Panashe Shoko, Delah Akarli, Perfect Chikwende, Mandlenkosi Gasela, Billy Veremu, Felix Moyo, Tari Chikwende, Malvern Hativagone, Farai Matare and Lexington Mujokoro.

The list includes Maclive Phiri, Nilton Terresso, Thulani Sibanda, Nkosiyazi Ncube, Abraham Mubaiwa, Farai Sibanda, Kundishora Chakanyuka, Idzai Muzondo, Melusi Dube and Shelton Munkulu.

Bulawayo Chiefs Football Club was listed as the Defendant.

The in-form topflight football outfit won the Chibuku Super Cup Final last November after beating Herentals 1-0 in a match played at Barbourfields Stadium.

There has been an outcry by players for the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA), Premier Soccer League, and the Sports and Recreation Commission to look into issues of football players’ welfare.

The country continues to lose talent to football leagues in neighbouring countries and beyond with players opting to leave in search of greener pastures.

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