‘Money changer’ swindles over US$1 000

Michael Mashiri

An Highfield man who was in the habit of swindling money from people, claiming that he was a money changer has appeared before magistrate Munashe Chibanda.

Sibanda Partsan, 29, of Egypt, Highfield appeared before magistrate Munashe Chibanda at the Harare Magistrates' Courts charged with theft of trust property.

The State, through prosecutor Zebediah Bofu, alleges that on May 28 at around 1430 hours at Eastgate, corner Mugabe Street and Second Street, the complainant in the matter went there intending to change his money from RTGS to United States dollars.

When he arrived, he was approached by Sibanda and his two accomplices who are still at large.

The State alleges that Sibanda pretended to be a genuine money changer and he told the complainant that he offered a good rate.

The complainant was enticed and transferred ZWL$4 000 000 into a bank account he had been given by Sibanda.

The complainant was expecting to get US$1 000 after the transaction and was given counterfeit notes amounting to US$1 000.

The complainant quickly discovered that, but Sibanda ran away.

Meanwhile, the State is also alleging that on June 22, around 1500, at the same area, one Madzinga Brighton, gave Sibanda R3 600 so that he could change it to United States dollars since he claimed to know someone who was taking Rands at a good rate.

Sibanda was supposed to give Madzinga US$150 but he took the money to his own benefit.

Madzinga made efforts to get the money but Sibanda became evasive.

Sibanda will appear in court on July 3, for bail application.

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