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Tasimudzwa Milling Plant a gamechanger for Guruve ...

Tasimudzwa Milling Plant a gamechanger for Guruve female gold miners

Zim Now Writer  

Women in the Guruve District are reaping the rewards of the Second Republic women empowerment drive through gold milling at Tasimudzwa Milling Plant which has eased ore processing for female miners. 

Tasimudzwa Gold Milling Plant in Guruve has transformed the fortunes of 125 women directly involved in the project and scores of others downstream by enabling them to mine and process their gold at the plant. 

“We are getting money to finance school fees, some have bought cars and some are building their houses and we are hoping to build a dam from this project, we are grateful for our mothers who urged us to get into mining, it’s now helping us. It has reduced gender-based violence because women have money in their pockets, they have something to do. They are developing their lives,” said beneficiaries of the project.

The government is pleased with the mill which was built in line with the 100-day cycle programme, which aims to improve the lives of citizens. 

“I am impressed to have seen that Tasimudzwa which employs about 125 women is empowering them, this is important as the government is looking at empowering all women that had been neglected. Not only women are benefitting but war veterans and youths. This shows that the government of President Mnangagwa has been successful in empowering women,” said the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Monitoring Implementation of Government Programmes, Joram Gumbo.

The mill is expected to increase Guruve District’s gross domestic product and aid community development.    

“We understand women's affairs being an arm of the government has 30 percent while the council has 10 percent so you see that the revenue from the council is not only going to inject the money in mining but invest in roads and general development while women affairs will plough back the money into women’s enterprises," said Senator Monica Mavhunga, Mashonaland Central Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution.

The Guruve Rural District Council has already moved in to construct new access roads to the milling plant, while plans are in place to set up shops and other no amenities for use by miners.

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