Patience Muchemwa
The Zimbabwe Republic Police is investigating a case of kidnapping where an unknown woman kidnapped a newly-born baby boy in Bulawayo on Sunday.
The kidnapping occurred at 3rd Avenue and Lobengula Street terminus.
According to the police, the suspect had assisted the complainant with discharge processes at Mpilo Maternity ward before offering her transport from the hospital.
“An unknown female adult went away with the complainant’s newly-born baby boy after the complainant left the baby with the suspect while negotiating for transport to Peria Village, Nyamandlovu.
“Anyone with information to report at any nearest Police Station,” police said.
A similar case of kidnapping once happened in 2021 where police in Bulawayo arrested a maid who kidnapped her employer’s one-year eight-month-old child and also stole the family motor vehicle.
In an unrelated case, a one-year-old baby drowned in a disused well in Maseko, Epworth in Harare.
The boy was playing in the yard while the mother was inside the house.
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