LSZ urges amendment of post-September 2022 marriage certificates with Marriages Registry

Zim Now Writer

The Law Society of Zimbabwe has advised all people who got married after September 2022 with a marriage certificate that cites Chapter 5:11 to get their marriage certificates amended at the Marriages Registry.

In a statement, the law society said the certificates should read Chapter 5:17, otherwise the marriage is null and void.

“It has been brought to our attention that, despite the existence of the new Marriages Act, the stationery being used for civil marriages registered after the effective date has not changed.

“Parties are therefore still being given marriage certificates which now incorrectly read “5:11”.

“We are advised that, pending an overall rectifying instrument to save all such affected marriages, lawyers or individuals can take the certificates in question to Mr Mpala, the contact person at the Registrar’s Office, who will insert the correct Act and stamp the marriage certificate accordingly.

“Members instructed in divorce proceedings should attend rectification, as we are advised that the divorce cannot properly be founded on a null certificate,” the LSZ statement reads.

On May 27, 2022, President Emmerson Mnangagwa passed into law a new marriage law, the Marriages Act (Chapter 5:17) which came into operation on September 16, 2022.

This law brought a radical change to the Marriage laws in Zimbabwe with the Marriage Act (Chapter 5:11) and Customary Marriages Act (Chapter 5:07) being repealed.

The new Act introduced a civil partnership and a qualified civil marriage and recognises an unregistered customary law union as a marriage. 


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