Small grains emerge as big hope for drought-ravaged Zimbabwe

Nyashadzashe Ndoro


Zimbabwe's agricultural sector faces a dual challenge, climate change, and a devastating El Niño-induced drought.

With erratic rainfall patterns and dry soils, staple crops like maize are failing, leaving many rural communities vulnerable to hunger.

Farmers have, however, realised a glimmer of hope that emerges from a return to traditional wisdom, the cultivation of small grains.

Sorghum, pearl millet, and finger millet, the three main small grains in Zimbabwe, are proving to be lifesavers. Unlike maize, they require significantly less rain to thrive.

Minister of Agriculture, Anxious Masuka, recently emphasised the importance of “agro-ecological tailoring”, planting crops suited to the region’s climate. This shift towards small grains is evident in Mashonaland East Province, which has surpassed its target for sorghum plantation.

“They (small grain farmers) can harvest more than those who grow wheat,” Masuka said during Wednesday's parliamentary session.

Experts note that the benefits of small grains go beyond drought resistance. They boast high nutritional value, providing essential vitamins and minerals often lacking in maize-heavy diets.

The shift is, however, not without its hurdles. Farmers in Buhera West, for instance, grapple with the labour intensity of cultivating small grains compared to hybrid maize.

Additionally, small grains produce less foliage for animal feed, impacting manure production. Agronomists recommend further government support to address these challenges and promote soil health, ultimately improving dietary health.

Nyasha Marange, a farmer from Buhera West Constituency, recounted his struggles:”For seven long years, I poured my heart and sweat into growing maize for my family, but it was a constant battle. Season after season, the harvest yielded us nothing substantial, and hunger loomed over us like a dark cloud.  It was a turning point when we learned about the advantages of cultivating small grains in our region.  I immediately switched gears and embraced the new methods with open arms.”

Marange went on to describe the initial challenges, “There was definitely an adjustment period, especially for my children who were not accustomed to eating sorghum sadza, which they call ‘inzembwe.’ But necessity is a powerful teacher, and they eventually adapted.  The switch has proven to be a double win. Not only is sorghum a nutritious food source, but it also allows me to generate income by selling the mealie-meal I produce.”

Another villager, Ruramai Shumba from, echoed Marange’s sentiments. “I’ve been farming since 1992, and over the years, I have actively sought ways to improve my skills and knowledge. That is how I came to learn about smart climate farming techniques, which included the importance of small grains. 

“Since I made the switch to sorghum, a drought-resistant crop, my harvests have been reliable, and my family has never faced hunger again.  Sorghum has truly been a dependable companion, even during the harshest seasons,” concluded Dube.

The government’s vision in Buhera extends beyond mere survival. Village Business Units are transforming rural landscapes into agricultural ventures. The VBUs empower villagers with vital resources like water sources and drip irrigation systems. Youths like Makanaka Muronzi see these initiatives as “tools for a brighter future”, fostering a sense of hope and economic opportunity.

The future, however, remains precarious. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network predicts Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes across most of Zimbabwe's deficit-producing areas. This means poor households will struggle to access food due to limited income and high prices. While the recently harvested small grains may provide some relief, it's likely to be short-lived.

Against this background, it is widely believed that the success of Zimbabwe's agricultural sector hinges on embracing drought-resistant crops like small grains and irrigation schemes.

The World Food Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, and Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Agricultural Advisory Services have joined forces to champion small grains.

Since 2016, this initiative has empowered over 60 000 farmers across 30 districts, equipping them with over 6 000 metric tons of essential resources. This includes sorghum and cowpea seeds, fertiliser, and crucial training in climate-smart agriculture practices.

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