Afriprise sues Bulawayo City Council for refusing local currency

Zim Now Writer

A local company, Afriprise Private Limited trading as the Butcherman, has reportedly taken the Bulawayo City Council to court over the refusal by the latter to accept local currency for renewal of shop licences.

In its court documents, the local authority reportedly declared that fees for the renewal of shop licences are exclusively pegged in United States dollars.

However, in its submissions, the company wants the court to order the city council to accept any legal currency for such payments.

“Consequently, that the respondent (council) be ordered to accept payment for shop licence applications and renewals and any other services, in any currency recognised by law in Zimbabwe,” including but not limited to local currency, according to the company’s founding affidavit.

The company’s director, Jabulani Leader Mhlanga said that his firm is registered and operates under the laws of the country and therefore requires a shop licence as per the law.

He said that on January 26, he was given a quotation of US$476.23 based on the sketch floor plan he submitted.

“I went back to the office and gathered all the required documents, measured the floor space and prepared the sketch floor plan whose size I was advised would determine the amount payable for the application and renewal of the shop licence.

“I was attended by an employee, who advised that fees for applications and renewals of shop licences are paid for exclusively in US dollars and could not accept payment. I told her that the council could not possibly and legally refuse payment in local currency.

“She advised me that she couldn’t be of any further assistance and referred me to her supervisor.”

“After a few minutes she advised me that I owed council in rates and taxes, and I should therefore first clear the rates bills due at my private residence before collecting the shop licence on behalf of the applicant. I protested but to no avail, and I then left,” reads the court papers.

He submitted that on February 2, he instructed his lawyers to write a letter of demand questioning the council’s refusal to release his shop licence.

 “It is indeed unlawful and illegal for the council to demand applications and for renewals fees in US dollars.

“It is equally illegal for the respondent to demand payment for any other services in its area of jurisdiction exclusively in US dollars.

“The respondent has no legal right or legal justification whatsoever to demand payment for applications and renewal of shop licence exclusively in US dollars,” he added.

Meanwhile, a local private school, Westminster International School is reportedly charging all ZiG school fees payments at black-market rates, with reports saying their rate is pegged at US$1 per 23 ZiG.

This is against the prevailing bank rate of US$1 for 13.44 as of today, with the rate charged by the school almost multiplying the rate by two.

The private school is reportedly accepting both component payments, however, having a huge difference in valuation, exceeding the pegged rate.

The US$ figure for school fees is US$1 818 while the ZiG component is pegged at 41 814 which should have been ZiG24 652 if calculated at the prevailing bank rate.

Parents have complained over exorbitant fees by the school, urging responsible authorities to intervene.

“We are being robbed. The school is not being considerate, their charges are already high and they are now adding salt to the wounds by using black market rates. We are appealing to relevant authorities for protection for us not to be fleeced,” said one concerned parent.


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