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Employee threatens HR Manager with a tortoise over...

Employee threatens HR Manager with a tortoise over unpaid wages


Rutendo Mazhindu

ZimNow Reporter

Sithembiso Budzikawa was fined US$300 for threatning HR Mananger with a tortoise for failing to pay her money in Goromonzi.

She appeared before the Harare Magistrates court for bail ruling.

It is alleged that on August 21, 2024, Budzikawa took a live tortoise from Chabwino farm in Goromonzi to her work place .

She used the tortoise to demand and threaten the Human Resource Manager for her unpaid wages .

Sithembeso confidently told the manger that she will recover all her unpaid wages using the creature.

According to investigations, a tortoise was covered in a red pool of blood and a red cloth with needles tied around it.

She failed to produce a permit when she was asked that granted her the authority to move the tortoise as she had done leading to her arrest.

Sithemboso was sentenced to pay  an amount of US$300 or 3 months imprisonment.


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