Govt investigates baby snapping incident at UBH

Zim Now Writer 

The United Bulawayo Hospitals is under scrutiny following a disturbing baby-swapping incident in its maternity ward. A woman who delivered a baby boy via Caesarean section was shocked to be handed a baby girl by a nurse, prompting a government-led investigation.

Permanent Secretary for Health and Child Care, Aspect Maunganidze, described the incident as “very unfortunate” and emphasized the ministry’s commitment to uncovering the truth. 

He stated: "The ministry is aware of the unfortunate incident of ‘baby swapping’ at UBH and awaits the investigation's results. We have instructed the hospital to provide counselling for all affected parties and reinforce staff training on standard operating procedures to prevent such incidents in the future."

The mother sought clarity through DNA testing, first at a private lab in the city center and later at the National University of Science and Technology. Zephania Dlamini, head of NUST’s Applied Genetics Testing Centre, confirmed the results:

"DNA tests confirmed the baby girl was not hers. Further testing matched the baby boy’s DNA with the complainant, while the girl’s DNA matched another woman."

In response to the incident, UBH has been directed to improve staff adherence to ethical practices during and after delivery. The government has also emphasized expediting the investigation to ensure accountability.




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