SECZim Expands Capital Market Awareness Through #MySchool Programme

 Witness Runodada

Zim Now reporter

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe is making strides in deepening capital market awareness through its #MySchool outreach programme.

 This initiative is equipping students and teachers across the country with essential knowledge about the capital market, fostering financial literacy, and encouraging future participation in investment opportunities.

At the heart of the programme is the innovative Capital Market Toolkit, a resource designed to enhance financial education. Reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Development Unit of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, the toolkit serves as a supplementary learning aid.

 Through a “train the trainer” methodology, it ensures that teachers are well-equipped to pass on financial literacy education, securing the programme’s sustainability.

Since the launch of the Capital Market Toolkit in November 2023, SECZim has actively engaged with students and teachers through interactive workshops held at individual schools, fairs, and exhibitions. More than 2,000 students and 50 teachers have benefited from these sessions, spanning across government, mission, and private schools. 

Institutions such as Rudhanda Secondary in Zaka and Nyanga High School Marist Brothers, along with other finalists of the 2024 Capital Market Quiz, have been part of this transformative initiative.

A key feature of the #MySchool programme is its focus on sustainability. By conducting on-site workshops and distributing the Capital Market Toolkit to schools, SECZim ensures that the learning process continues beyond the outreach sessions.

 During these workshops, SECZim staff engage both students and teachers, guiding them through the toolkit's components.

Utilising interactive and fun teaching methods, the sessions empower participants with the knowledge and confidence to integrate capital market education into their curriculum effectively.

To expand the programme’s reach and impact, SECZim is calling on individuals, corporates, NGOs, and other organisations to participate in the #MySchool Corporate Social Responsibility initiative.

 This opportunity allows stakeholders to adopt schools of their choice and sponsor the production of toolkits, which will then be donated to the selected institutions. 

By giving back to their alma mater, sponsors can play a crucial role in strengthening financial literacy and deepening financial inclusion across Zimbabwe.

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