Global Adventist award for Tagwireyi



Zim Now Reporter

SAKUNDA Holdings CEO, Kudakwashe Tagwireyi has been honoured with the Global Award of Excellence by the General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

The Global Award of Excellency is a prestigious accolade in the Seventh Day Adventist Church awarded to an individual who has made a global impact in education worldwide.

Kuda Tagwirei is the first black person to scoop the award owing to his immense contribution to education in Zimbabwe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe.

“Through his Bridging Gap Foundation, Tagwirei’s outreach extends well beyond the university. His dedicated capacity-building and welfare programmes are making a significant impact across the region’s primary and secondary schools,” said Seventh Day Adventist Church General Conference Director for Education, Dr Lisa Hardy

“Under the Centers of Influence Department, numerous beneficiary institutions, including Bindura University, among others, are receiving enhanced support designed to uplift educational standards and foster community growth,” she said.

Dr Tagwirei got the accolade for the work through his Bridging Gap Foundation

These include:  

63 schools across capacitated through agriculture implements as well as infrastructure development.

US$7 million put into Solusi University which includes agriculture equipment and infrastructure. He has also donated and 21 vehicles as well as helped to revamp the water and sanitation system.

Tagwireyi said while he does not do anything to be seen, he is honoured by the accolade.

“When we dedicate ourselves to the Lord’s work, we do not do it for accolades or recognition, we do it out of obedience, love, and a deep sense of mission. Yet, standing here today, I feel profoundly humbled that the work we do has been noticed and appreciated at such a high level,” he said.

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