Batsirai Matiza Embroiled in $1 Million green rebirth trust scandal

 Philemon Jambaya

Zim Now Editor

Batsirai Matiza son of the late Minister Joel Biggie Matiza, has been arraigned before the courts by the trustees of the Green Rebirth Trust Jiri raMambo agro-forestry project. The trust alleges that Batsirai attempted to steal a staggering US$1 million from the project's founders, who had appointed him as an ambassador.

 According to court papers, the Green Rebirth Trust was established in October 2023 to promote sustainable development, climate redemption, and environmental preservation. The trust had set up a substantial tree nursery project at Chemapango Secondary School in Murewa district, valued at approximately US$1 million.

 Batsirai allegedly made a donation to the trust in August last year, citing his alignment with the trust's mission and potential for reciprocal enhancement of his public image. However, in a shocking twist, Batsirai, along with Tichabaiwa Gwadu and Familia Muvhunwa, seized control of the project on February 27, claiming they were members of a non-existent Matiza Trust, which they alleged was a partner in the project.

 The trust has since filed an urgent High Court chamber application for a spoliatory and interdictory order against Batsirai, Gwadu, and Muvhunwa, seeking relief to utilize and benefit from its tree nursery project. The trust's representative, Nadia Vingai Mabvirakure, has denied any partnership with Matiza Trust, stating that Batsirai was merely one of many donors who had provided financial support to the project.

 Mabvirakure has expressed concerns that if the court does not intervene urgently, the nursery stock will be sold to the trust's detriment, resulting in a significant financial loss. The trust is seeking an order to halt Batsirai's unlawful conduct and prevent any further damage to the project.

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