SA govt yet to give feedback on ZEP waiver applications

Zim Now Writer

The South African government is still to give feedback on application for waivers by Zimbabwe Exemption Permit holders, six months before they expire.

The African Diaspora Global Network, a migrant rights organisation claims the South African government has not said anything about the extension or responded to new applications.

“The major news we had was in October, where the court hearing to challenge the termination (launched by the Helen Suzman Foundation) was postponed to the beginning of February this year after the Minister of Home Affairs said they still need more time to prepare,” said the network’s leader, Dr Vusumuzi Sibanda.

As a result, Dr Sibanda said, Zimbabweans remained in the dark on their fate.

He added that the Minister of Home Affairs said less than 9 000 people made applications for either waivers or mainstream permits although people have received no decision since they started applying in 2021.

Applying for a work visa is difficult because one must have scarce skills which are not found in anyone in South Africa who may have the capacity to fill that job. Besides, those who applied for the ZEP in 2009 could not qualify for any other visa.

"To expect that there is a change now is actually a non-starter because it is known the reason why people were given ZEPs is they could not qualify for any other visa. Otherwise, they would have applied for them," he highlighted, adding that the conditions and requirements for visas in 2009 were more relaxed than after the amendment of the Immigration Act in 2014.

Dr Sibanda also said that several people were losing their jobs since employers are hesitant to take on someone when they don't see any valid visa and because of the new laws from the Department of Labour that prohibit the employment of foreigners.

To make matters worse, Dr Sibanda claimed, banks are closing their accounts demanding that Zimbabwean nationals bring valid passports and holding on to people’s money. On the other hand, employers are transferring money into those accounts.

“People are earning but cannot access that money and are unable to support their families. On the one hand, there are people also trying to get their UIF to show they have been working but because of documentation challenges that money cannot be given," summed the activist.

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