Villagers accuse old man of impregnating his 16 year old stepdaughter

Zim Now Writer

A 60-year-old father of 28 children from Kambarambi villagers in Murehwa stands accused of impregnating his step-daughter.

Brain Masiiwa, who is an ex-soldier, is said to have fathered a tow year old child with18-year-old Anotida, the daughter of his second wife, Edith Masiiwa.

Villagers decided to put an end to the situation after Masiiwa reportedly impregnated Anotida, for the second time, and she aborted the pregnancy.

A villager reported the matter to Chief Nheweyembwa with a plea to rid the village of Masiiwa.

Masiiwa denied siring the two-year-old baby, who would have been his 29th child.

“I never stooped so low to impregnate my wife’s daughter. Ndakaita vana vakawanda nemadzimai akawanda asi pari zvino ndine madzimai maviri. (I have so many children with different women but for now, I have two wives). Anotida fell pregnant when she was 16 and she told us the person responsible.

“The man was a married, self-styled prophet and he was arrested for the offence.

“As for the alleged pregnancy, Anotida experienced loss of blood but it wasn’t an abortion.”

Masiiwa added that Anotida and his daughter were lured by another prophet, alleging that his daughter eloped with the prophet.

“Anotida aitodazve kuendawo ndikamurambidza. (Anotida wanted to go as well but I barred her.) She was attended to by health officials. I am the one who was paying her school fees.

Masiiwa blamed his first wife for the rumours circulating in the village, saying she was not happy since he had stopped taking her food and sleeping with her.

"There are also some villagers who reported that I had fired gunshots during the night.

“I do not have guns but I have only one gun. Some of the guns reported belong to other people who consult me for help in registering their firearms since they know me as a former soldier.

“I am not a threat to the society even to my second wife’s children.

Edith said she confronted Masiiwa over the allegations against her husband after villagers started complaining over the issue.

“I was affected when I heard that my husband was responsible for my daughter’s pregnancy. My daughter denied it and I never suspected any questionable movements pointing to such issues.

“I was not going to remain Masiiwa’s wife if he had impregnated my daughter. Handizivewo kana zvakafamba nenzira iyoyo asi chandinoziva ndechekuti Anotida akati mwana ndewemuporofita asi muporofita wacho akazviramba. Anotida told me that the prophet is the father of the child although he denied responsibility),” said Edith.

Anotida said Herbert Munyandu was the father of the child in question.

“My stepfather is not the father of my child although villagers say the two look alike. Herbert Munyandu is the one who impregnated me and is married. He got arrested, he has since been released but he still denies responsibility.

“The child is yet to acquire a birth certificate. Villagers could have suspected my stepfather since we have been going together to the garden to work but he never attempted to seduce or rape me as alleged,” said Anotida.

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