Woman takes neighbour to court over debt

Michael Mashiri

A woman has taken her neighbour to court, claiming that she was making her life difficult by insulting her whenever she gets the chance.

Sungai Munhumutema was at the Harare Civil Court, accusing Rudo Nhamhoinenyika of harassing her, causing her to collapse at some point.

Munhumutema explained that the two used to have a cordial relationship before Nhamoinenyika borrowed her money.

‘She asked me if l had money as she claimed she wanted to pay for her child’s school fees, but she told me that she did not want her husband to know about it.

“So, when l asked her about the money that is when the hostility began, l even collapsed when l heard the magnitude of the things she said about me,” she said.

Munhumutema also said she was now tired of being called names by Nhamoinenyika.

“She comes to my house and bangs doors, saying l am a witch. The whole neighbourhood has been told about me through her,” she explained.

Nhamoinenyika refuted the allegations by Munhumutema saying she was lying.

“She is not being truthful your Honour. She is the one who climbs the perimeter wall to insult me,” she said.

Magistrate Tamara Chibindi, who presided over the matter ordered Nhamoinenyika not to insult, assault or harass Munhumutema.

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