Disqualified Zanu PF candidate Nyemudzo granted bail

Jailed aspiring MP granted bail | The ManicaPost


Zim Now Writer

Mutare High Court Judge Justice Isaac Muzenda has granted ZWL$500 000 bail pending appeal to jailed Zanu PF disqualified candidate for Chipinge South, Robert Nyemudzo.

His bail conditions are that he continues residing at his given address, reports at ZRP Checheche twice a month, surrenders his passport with the Clerk of Court at Chipinge Magistrates’ Courts and does not interfere with State witnesses.

Nyemudzo is appealing against both sentence and conviction after being found guilty of contravening the harmful liquids Act.

He was convicted and sentenced to two years in jail by Chipinge Magistrate Franklin Mkwananzi in April 2023 for brewing an illicit brew known as Chikozodo or Musombodhiya at his homestead.

Nyemudzo is represented by Simon Simango of Nyikadzino and Associates.

Circumstances are that on October 29, 2020, around 11 am, Police officers executing operational order ‘No to illicit alcohol products’ received information that a brew was being made at Nyemudzo’s homestead.

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