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Biodiversity and agrobiodiversity experts meet to ...

Biodiversity and agrobiodiversity experts meet to review progress and set agenda for CBD COP-15

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Zim Now Writer

Government officials, Food and Agricultural Organisation  representatives, development partners including more than 40 experts in the biodiversity and agrobiodiversity sector gathered for a workshop in Harare to craft national positions on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework  targets and prepare the national delegates who will represent Zimbabwe in the upcoming COP-15 meetings.

Zimbabwe has identified the need to convene national consultations to raise awareness, build common positions and set the national agenda for the Fifteenth Conference of Parties on the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity  scheduled for December 2022 in Montreal, Canada. convene.

There is need to take note of the increasing number of targets related to biodiversity for food and agriculture that are combined into the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

The continued loss of biodiversity globally is alarming and it is imperative that countries and regions make the necessary policy shifts to ensure that these losses are abated.

The workshop facilitated a session to review the country’s progress towards meeting the targets of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (2011 -2020) and to seek stakeholder input into the process developing the new post-2020 GBF while simultaneously setting the national agenda and position for CBD COP-15.

There is need to restore biodiversity and reclaim degraded ecosystems and be able to achieve the 2050 CBD vision of “living in harmony with nature.”

It was agreed that in order to meet the targets, the country requires financial resources and established mechanisms for resource mobilisation, capacity building, awareness raising and robust mainstreaming and improved sharing of experiences and best practices regionally and internationally.

At policy level, all critical stakeholders agreed to institutionalise biodiversity in their sectors.

The national sessions are coordinated through the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, FAO through the European Union funded project.

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