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MOPSE to monitor schools to keep grade sevens in c...

MOPSE to monitor schools to keep grade sevens in class post exams

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has ordered heads to effectively occupy Grade Seven learners post exams so they remain in school until closing day.  

The learners will be done with their exams this October and schools will close in early December. 

“Grade 7 pupils should attend classes until the end of the third school term,” said MOPSE is a circular sent to primary school heads.

The circular says that schools should provide learning in guidance and counselling, life skills education, study skills, physical education, sport and mass displays, practical subjects as well as carry out career service fairs and occupy learner with library and other research activities.

The circular however bars tours citing safety concerns.

The ministry says that schools will be monitored for compliance.

“Provincial Education Directors are expected to strengthen their monitoring, supervision and inspection structures to ensure that Grade 7 pupils are not disadvantaged by abandoning school before the official closure of the school year,” reads the circular.

In past years most schools have released learners immediately after exams.


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