Reverend's Taboo Affair Ends in Heartbreaking Tragedy

United Methodist Church golf tournament on cards - The Southern Eye
Rev Mukahanana


The Harare East overseer of the United Methodist Church, Reverend Oscar Mukahanana, is reported to have committed suicide following an accidental leak of audios said to have contained intimate messages between him and an alleged lover.


The prominent church leader is reported to have taken his life as soon as he discovered he had mistakenly shared the messages on a church social media group.


Sources said the door to a room he was in had to be broken down to reach him.


In May this year, Rev Mukahanana spearheaded a golf fundraising initiative of the church that was aimed at raising US$60 000 for the purchase of a motor vehicle that would be used to promote church business.


The event, done in partnership with Chapman Golf Club, also took into consideration mental health matters as well as issues to do with entrepreneurship.


At the time of going to press, the church leadership was yet to confirm the report of the death as well as respond to questions sent.

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