Webster Jakopo: The Journey from kombi conductor to owner of Webber Coaches

Webster Jakopo

Patience Muchemwa

“At the completion of my O Level studies at Nyamuzuwe High School, l was employed in the transport industry as a kombi conductor on the Harare-Bindura route until 2004,” said the cross-border bus operator, Webster Jakopo.

The 43-year-old Webster was born on December 2, 1979 in Nyamuzuwe, Mutoko. Webster is married to Amanda and the couple was blessed with six children.

Jakopo is the owner of Webber Coaches.

“I started my business in 2021. I decided to venture into the cross-border transport business after working for DNC coaches for 11 years as a bus conductor. During Covid-19, I decided to hire a truck which I was using to ferry goods from Port Elizabeth to Harare. That’s when I raised funds to buy a pre- owned bus from South Africa.

“Back in 2019, I registered a company in SA, which is Webber Coaches.

Jakopo’s Bus Company was mainly targeting passengers who travel to harvest oranges on South African farms.

“We are targeting all types of passengers, those who do cross-border business, but mainly those who go and work on farms in Eastern Cape and Western Cape.

“Webber Coaches has offices in Harare, Masvingo, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town.”

Jakopo also spoke about the numerous challenges he faces in his business.

“There are so many challenges in this business. It’s a business which is targeted by all law enforcement agencies on the road, every person who sees a bus on the road think there is money.

“Also, managing the bus itself is not easy as fuel and spares are very expensive given the fares that we are charging.”

He said the future of his business is unpredictable because of the country’s economy which is not stable.

Jakopo believes that for someone to be in the cross-border bus business, they have to be financially stable.

Webster Jakopo

“My advice to those who want to do this business is you have to be financially stable and have other businesses to sustain it, without that you can easily go out of business.

As a responsible father, Jakopo likes to spend time at home watching television with his family. During school holidays, he travels as far as Port Elizabeth and Cape Town to enjoy with his family at the beach.

“I enjoy football very much, my favourite team is Manchester United. Besides just watching football on TV I enjoy playing the boozers’ soccer,” he says.

“I love traditional food. I’m blessed with a wife who knows her stuff,” he added.

“My advice to the young generation is: You should stay away from drugs and alcohol, be disciplined and always focused on your studies because your future is in your books.


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