10 kids aged between 14 and 16 arrested at vuzu party

File pic of substances and items confisticated by Bulawayp police from a vuzu party attended by young people 


Police in Bulawayo have arrested 10 young people at a vuzu party in Bulawayo and are investigating possible drug use.

 “The ZRP has arrested 10 juveniles aged between 14 years and 16 years at a vuzu party at number 12 Browning Road, Bradfield, Hillside, Bulawayo,” the police announced in a statement.


“Some of them were smoking shisha which contains a substance which is now being verified by CID Drugs and Narcotics,” said the police.

8 of the arrested kids are scholars at two local schools while 2 are school drop-outs, the police said.

Police have said they are engaging the parents and school authorities.

Bulawayo has become notorious for vuzu parties where young kids indulge in sex and drugs.

Juveniles netted in previous busts have been released into the custody of their parents with stiff caution by the police.

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