Delta Corporation Provides Solar-Powered Borehole and Refurbished Classrooms to Bikita Community

Philemon Jambaya

Delta Corporation, a leading beverage company in the country, has announced a US$25 000 investment in the Bikita community to address water shortages, improve sanitation, and enhance education facilities.

The company provided US$10 000 for a solar-powered borehole in Nyahunda Small Scale Farms, benefiting over 5 000 people, including students from Tagona Secondary and Chitenderano Primary Schools.

Additionally, Delta Corporation refurbished a classroom block, a teacher’s house, and ablution facilities at Chitenderano Primary School for US$15 000 after the buildings were damaged by heavy rains in October 2023.

The project aims to combat inadequate water access, poor sanitation, and the spread of the cholera epidemic in the community. The borehole will alleviate water shortages caused by climate change, while the refurbished classrooms and sanitation facilities will create a more conducive learning environment for students.

“This project has enabled us to take a step towards empowering communities to fight against the cholera pandemic, while delivering on the vital human need of access to water,” said General Manager of Corporate Affairs for Delta Corporation, Patricia Murambinda.

“The provision of the solarised borehole will alleviate climate change-induced water shortages in rural areas housing some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the country.”

The refurbished school facilities are expected to promote inclusive and equitable quality education by providing a better learning environment. The project has also inspired community engagement, with alumni and former learners collaborating to rehabilitate a borehole at the Ngorima Clinic to address the increased cholera cases.

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