Women give birth in the dark as thieves strip equipment from clinics

Audrey Galawu

Thousands of people have their access to health delivery services compromised as a number of clinics cannot offer proper services after theft of equipment that seems to have become rampant all over.

According to Combined Harare Residents Association  Acting Director Reuben Akilli, several municipal health facilities have experienced equipment theft since last year, and prospective mothers are now giving birth in candle-lit rooms and are sometimes asked to bring a bucketful of water.

The  Budiriro clinic lost seven solar panels, five batteries, a water tank and phones last year and these are yet to be replaced.

The solar panels were meant for alternative power when there is no electricity.

One resident of the suburb, Kundai Munda, said women are giving birth in darkness, sometimes without water.

“Electricity is already a challenge for the whole country and it has worsened since the solar panels were stolen,” she said.

In June, 2020 three 5000-litre water tanks were stolen at Glen View Polyclinic, including a television. In October the same year, a 1 500-litre water tank was also stolen from Glen View Satellite Clinic.

A borehole pump was stolen from Kuwadzana Satellite Clinic and six hospital beds were stolen from Beatrice Road Infectious Diseases Hospitals in April this year.

Two solar batteries and an inverter were stolen at Highlands and a 1 500-litre water tank was stolen at Wilkins Hospital while seven solar panels were stolen at Rutsanana Polyclinic.

Mr Akili said the deterioration of health services provision is worrying and the situation continues to deteriorate due to equipment theft.

“We do not understand how seven solar panels and batteries, including a water tank are stolen when municipal guards were on duty.

“The most worrying thing is that those who were on duty failed to give an account of what had transpired.

“As CHRA, we are calling for thorough investigations on the issue and stern measures should be taken against those found guilty,” he said.

Harare City Council Acting Corporate Communications Manager Innocent Ruwende said investigations are still in progress and the municipality is fortifying security at municipal clinics, including Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).


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