Michael Mashiri
A man, who allegedly raped his step-daughter, has been taken to court.
The accused appeared before the Harare Magistrates’ Courts charged with rape.
He was remanded in custody.
The complainant in this matter is a 12-year-old juvenile.
The State alleges that in February, at around 2200 hours, the accused was alone with the complainant at home where they both stayed at the cottage as the biological mother to the complainant works as a maid there.
It is alleged that the accused then sent the complainant to go into the main house to check on what her mother was doing.
She came back and told him that she was cooking in the main house kitchen.
The accused then told the complainant that he wanted to have a deal, which she was not supposed to tell anyone about.
He then told her to remove her clothes, after saying to her: “Ndoda kuti tiite dhiri usaudze vanhu saka bvisa hembe.”
The complainant refused but he went on to forcibly lift the complainant to the bed, took a condom from his pocket and raped her.
The complainant then put on her clothes, went to sleep and did not tell anyone about the incident.
The matter was later unearthed after the complainant’s aunt interviewed the complainant about the abuse after hearing the information, leading to the accused’s arrest.
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