
Govt grants Kavango Resources export authorisation for drill core samples

Zim Now Writer

The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development has granted Kavango Resources a three-month pass to export drill core SKDD001 pulps for multi-element testing, having received results of the first batch of results from the Hillside Prospect four gold project that surpassed perceived expectations.

The mineral exploration company wants to export up to 2 500kg of drill core samples including the drill holes already at Hillside together with any new holes which cannot be readily analysed in Zimbabwe, to an internationally accredited laboratory in Johannesburg, South Africa, for an immediate fire assay testing.

In a statement, Kavango Resource Chief Executive Officer, Ben Turney said that the authorisation by the ministry signifies great developments through modern tools and techniques that will transform and attract Zimbabwe to other investment companies.

He also added that the relationship between his company and the Zimbabwean government enables them to contribute a number of investments, including funds and skills to Zimbabwe’s upcoming gold exploration sector.

“It is imperative we use a full range of modern analytical tools and techniques to conduct high-quality exploration. Our objective is to make large-scale gold discoveries that can be brought into production and contribute to the 2030 Vision, of turning Zimbabwe into an upper middle-income economy.

“The growing sector strength of our relationship, will enable us to make significant investments of funds and skills into Zimbabwe’s emergent gold exploring sector,” he said.


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