Machete robbery suspect faces 55 counts of robbery, 80 cellphones recovered

Zim Now Writer

A Shurugwi man, who is suspected of using machetes to rob residents of cellphones and other gadgets has been taken to court over 55 counts of robbery.

Tawanda Roy Ndlovu of Village 1 under Chief Ntabeni, Zhombe appeared before Shurugwi Magistrate Sithabile Zungula, while three of his accomplices are still at large.

Ndlovu is pleading guilty to the charges.

The gang operated in areas such as Gakaka along Zvishavane road, Bonsor, Nash 1, Dombojena, Surprise and other suburbs around Shurugwi town.

According to police, the gang also robbed people of cash, clothes and groceries from tucks shops.

Some of the property was recovered, including 80 cellphones.


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